Organisations located in China and/or Europe, which offer support services in the area of STI (Science, Technology and Innovation) in both or one of the two markets (CN & EU)
ENRICH in China aims to build a broad ENRICH in China community across many European countries and China, allowing for research, innovation and business actors to engage in ENRICH in China through different means and with different levels of involvement. These actors taking part of ENRICH in China community will get associated to a well-known and trustable brand such as ENRICH in China and will benefit from business opportunities generated by the network.
Organisations located in China and/or Europe, which offer support services in the area of STI (Science, Technology and Innovation) in both or one of the two markets (CN & EU)
Accredited European or Chinese business support organisations based in China, which provide support services (especially soft landing and co-working spaces) that enables a longer presence of ENRICH in China clients in the Chinese market
Any organisation or individual interested in getting acquainted and informed about Chinese and European innovation and business cooperation and willing to help disseminate ENRICH in China's activities and services at the same time
Join an ambitious, growing Community to promote research and innovation synergies between China and Europe - Please reach out to
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