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Webinar: China's Path to Industrialised Modernity

Webinar - Public

27 February 2019 from 10:15 - 11:15

Online, China



China is in the midst of a gigantic transformation process: away from "mass" and towards "class". High follow-up costs of the old growth path, political uncertainty and buying restraint as well as authoritarian tendencies on the part of the government to cope with current challenges determine the current picture in China. At the same time, the demands of the increasingly self-confident middle class are rising. A knowledge-based economy of industrialised modernity also demands a free and open exchange of information.

This webinar is designed to provide participants with a compact overview of basic knowledge of China's path since 1949 to industrialised modernity and to highlight current challenges facing the Chinese government in implementing an innovation-driven growth model. Through a contextual and systemic perspective, the participants will be invited to form critical, differentiated and objective opinions.



Date: 27 February 2019

Time: 10.15 – 11.30 CET

10.15 | Opening introduction; by Faith Blakemore, Steinbeis 2i GmbH             

10.20 | China‘s Path to Industrialised Modernity; by Thomas Heine, China-Baden Business Development Company     

10.50 | ENRICH in China Upcoming Activities; by Vasco Barros, SPI

11.00 | Q&A     


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