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Webinar: Connect to China ? Opportunities in Hangzhou for European Companies

Webinar - Public

03 June 2020 from 10:15 - 11:30

Online (via GoToWebinar)

Connect to China – Opportunities in Hangzhou for European Companies

The webinar is going to be jointly presented by ENRICH in China, the Sino-European Technology & Innovation Centre and the Talent Office of Gongshu District, Hangzhou.

The Sino-European Technology & Innovation Centre in Hangzhou is one of the Soft Landing Zones of ENRICH in China, providing TechCo landing & scaling services to European and International tech companies and talents. This webinar will focus on how ENRICH in China and its Soft Landing Zone partner can support European & International tech companies and talents to land in Hangzhou and scale in China.

As one of China's most modern cities, Hangzhou has become an increasingly popular destination with its economic and technological development attracting some of the biggest companies. It is an emerging technological hub and home to the e-commerce giant Alibaba, as well as a main manufacturing base and logistics hub for coastal China. In addition, high-tech sectors are promoted in Hangzhou, which include MedTech, Precision Medicine, AgTech, CleanTech, Smart Manufacturing, Intelligent Equipment, etc.


Date: June 3rd 2020

Time: 10.15 – 11.15 CET (16.15 -17.15 Beijing time)



10:15 – Opening and ENRICH in China Overview

10:20 – How does a European talent/TechCo land in Hangzhou and scale up?

11:00 – Q&A

11:15 – End of Webinar


Registration link:


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