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Applications for the China Hi-Tech Fair are now open!

Applications for the China Hi-Tech Fair are now open!

The largest and the most influential scientific and technological fair in China is coming up soon! The China Hi-Tech Fair(CHTF) is currently the largest and the most significant scientific and technological fair in China and is renowned as "the No.1 Technology Show in China". It exhibits hi-tech products and holds high-level forums about topics such as environmental protection, next-generation IT technology, biology, advanced equipment manufacture, new materials and new energies.

The Digital version of the China Hi-Tech Fair will allow organisations from business, research and innovation to promote their products and services for free, reaching an audience of more than 2 million online visitors.

In order to register for the China Hi-Tech Fair Digital, application forms need to be sent to ENRICH in China in the following email: The application forms can be found here.

Find the promotional leaflet here  and the agenda here.

Why Exhibit?



CHTF 2021 will bring core technology sectors together under one roof:

Highlights of CHTF 2020

These were the largest sectors represented at the CHTF 2020

Please contact us at in case you have any doubts or questions about the China Hi-Tech Fair 2021.

Posted by on 18-Aug-2021 00:00

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