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COVID-19 Emergency Call for Proposals from the Research Council of Norway

 COVID-19 Emergency Call for Proposals from the Research Council of Norway

The call for proposals is based on the recent research priorities defined by the World Health Organization. International collaboration with research groups in other countries, including those funded by GLOPID-R member organizations to foster larger-scale studies, is encouraged. The scope of the proposals may include different topics, that can be found on the Research Council of Norway website.

Project outlines may only be submitted by approved Norwegian research organizations; these organizations may submit project outlines in cooperation with the public and/or private sectors, other public entities and/or private organizations. The Research Council can provide 1 to 5 million Norwegian crones (92,600 to 463,000 euros) per project under this call. Each applicant must provide at least 20 % own financing.

Deadline: 16 March 2020 (proposal outline), 31 March 2020 (full proposal)

Total budget: 30 million Norwegian crones (2.76 million euros)

This call is open to Chinese participation.

This information is being shared by EURAXESS and more information can be accessed on their website:

Posted by Mariana Marques on 26-Mar-2020 15:29

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