14 November 2019: Ljubljana, Slovenia
About 30 participants gathered at the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports in Ljubljana from Jožef Stefan Institute, University of Ljubljana, University of Maribor, the National Institute of Chemistry, and the US Embassy in Ljubljana, just to mention some. All the three ENRICH networks attracted the audience quite a lot!
In addition, the ERA-NET Cofund on Raw Materials (ERA-MIN 2), public-public partnership based on the ERA-NET Cofund scheme under Horizon 2020, was introduced. ERA-MIN 2 aims to implement an European-wide coordination of research and innovation programmes on raw materials to strengthen the industry, competitiveness and the shift to a circular economy having published 3 joint calls for collaborative transnational R&I projects between 2017 and 2020.
Thanks to the local organiser, Darija Valancic (Ministry of Education, Science and Sports), for hosting the ENRICH Autumn-Road-Show in Ljubljana!
Find more information here.
15 November 2019: Zagreb, Croatia
About 50 representatives from the Agency for Mobility and EU programmes in Zagreb, the Ruder Boškovic Institute and different faculties in Zagreb and Rijeka participated in the event. The joint lunch was inviting to network and exchange experiences about STI collaboration with Brasil, China and the USA!
The RISE (Research and Innovation Staff Exchange) scheme was also presented, promoting international and cross-sector collaboration through exchanging research and innovation staff, and sharing knowledge and ideas from research to market (and vice-versa).
Furthermore, the EIT Health innovation platform was introduced, tackling the health care challenges Europe is facing, leveraging the expertise of more than 140 leading organisations. It is spanning key areas of healthcare, such as pharma, medtech, payers, research institutions and universities, accelerating collaborations in cutting-edge projects, developing health education for the future and speeding up new business developments.
Find more details here.
Thanks to the local organiser, Sandra Vidovic (Agency for Mobility and EU programmes), for inviting the ENRICH Autumn-Road-Show to Zagreb!
Posted by Johnny Pan on 20-Nov-2019 12:38
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